Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Lets Get Something Done

 Hello Everyone, My name is Jena, 

Kym The owner of this blog is not feeling too well, So I have come to see what I can do to help her out, as it seems everyone who has tried to help her sort things in her files out, has hence given up.

I will not be touching up, revamping, or in any way try to fix the images in the files I will be Sharing. She has asked only that I go through them for her and post anything that I believe anyone will be able to use. And toss the rest.

And after days of sorting through files like these

this was a file marked 2500 vintage Baby Photos, after going through the file I came up with a total of 132 unique photos, and some of those no one could use, I was asked to remember those that do dollhouses and I did for one file, you will find I am posting these at full size and keep in mind She paid for these, and as Angry as I am at some of the sellers I promised her I would not take the time to Blast them on this Blog.
Here is file No.1
The file is named 250 Vintage Images

This is the Largest photo image in the zip file

and this is the smallest photo in the file

This is the only teeny file I am going to post as I really do not see a use for these.

Leave a note on The Posts you Like, So I will Know What People Are Looking For